Darby Holman
University of Cincinnati
This year was a rollercoaster. I have never been so stressed in my entire life, but in the end it was all completely worth it. I look back on my experiences this past year & feel immense pride and respect for myself. I am very happy that I have been able to put myself out there in so many different regards- when I got to college I was so scared that I would get lost in the haze and just sink. Instead, I have been fearless and have put myself out there to get amazing experiences that have helped develop me as a better student, mentor, researcher, and so much more.
My favorite experiences this year have been my roles as a Peer Leader & a Teaching Assistant. I have realized just how much I love working with others and how rewarding it can be to help students find their footing. In both of these roles I learned so much about myself & developed both interpersonal and professional skills. I now understand the importance of time- management and organization (I do not think I would have survived this year without this) as well as becoming a better public speaker, team member, and communicator. In my time as a Peer Leader, I realized that I loved the "Content Review" aspect of my job- in which I create worksheets to go over BIOL1081 concepts- which motivated me to become an SI leader for Organic Chemistry next year. I am very excited to work with students in an academic setting for one of the hardest courses at the University. I cannot wait to share my love for OChem with others!
Speaking of OChem, I also was super grateful to have been chosen for the Honors Lab section. This experience was beneficial because I made amazing connections with the students around me. I also felt very connected to the faculty, and the professor who I thought was scary and intimidating is now one of my favorites at the University. At the end of the year I was chosen by the Chemistry Department to receive the award for "Highest Achievement in Organic Chemistry". I do not think I have ever cried so much since I was overwhelmingly proud of myself. Being granted this award has been the highlight of my academic career.
To continue with research, I was also very grateful for my experience in UHP RaMP. Even though the projects were cut short due to COVID-19, I still learned so much about lab techniques and made great connections with my lab partners at Children's. This experience also taught me about failure & how important it is in the process of learning.
My plate is pretty full as I go into my third year. This summer I am participating in UHP Discover, doing research for the Psychology Department. Next year I will be continuing both my Peer Leader & TA roles while also adding on my job as an SI Leader. I will also be participating in the WILL experience in the Woman's Center. In terms of clubs & activities, I will be continuing my role as an Honors Ambassador and will be serving on the Executive Board of the Arts & Sciences Ambassadors as the Social Media Chair. I hope to still volunteer as a Bearcat Buddies tutor and to help out my community in any way possible. I am super excited to see where my endeavors take me! Go Bearcats!!!!!!
